You Make a Difference

By Buck Columna, Cave Creek Museum Board Director

Eureka! To all of you who joined us for Miners’ Dinner, Thank You. With your support we truly believe we have struck GOLD.

Last year, the Cave Creek Museum welcomed more than 6,000 visitors from 83 Arizona zip codes, all 50 states and 20 foreign countries. Your generosity allows the Cave Creek Museum to continue educational programs that spur the imaginations of Arizona schoolchildren and fosters a love of history, the natural sciences, and their community. School visits have doubled, exposing more and more youngsters to Cave Creek history. Tonight’s proceeds also support programs that enrich the lives of adults and contribute to their journey of life-long learning. The museum boasts sold out adult programming in all but two sessions.

We are a “living” history museum, tasked not only with collecting and preserving the artifacts of the past, but witnessing and recording today’s history. Cave Creek Museum lays claim as the culture keeper of the life of the foothills community.

All this is accomplished by a dedicated Staff, nine passionate members of the Board of Directors, the tireless commitment of 100+ volunteers, and YOU!

Please consider “staking your claim” in the success and sustainability of Cave Creek Museum by becoming a volunteer or donating in any amount. Call us at 480-488-2764 or visit All contributions are priceless.


Alexander, Rory
Alpeter, Ann
Anderson, Carol Ann
Anderson, Erik
Anderson, Tara
Ayotte, Dianna
Barnhart, Greg
Beastall, Howard
Beastall, Sue
Bonnsletter, Nicolette Maguire
Botwin, Audra
Bouldin, Gene
Bowman, Shirley
Boyle, Bob
Bradley, Stephanie
Bruggenthies, George
Bullard, Karen
Bullard, Larry
Caldwell, Carol
Chovnick, Josh
Ciriello, Carolyn
Clement, Debbie
Columna, Buck
Cornette, Dan
Cooper, Sharron
Cooper, Wes
Courtney, Dwight
Diefenderfer, Paul (Dief)
DiPietro, Pam
DiPietro, Peter
Dollison, Diane
Dollison, Joe
Dooley, Tom
Edwards, Jerilyn
Flach, Bob
Flach, Dian
Gavit, Margaret
Giammalva, Barbara
Hardie, Les
Harwood, Gwen
Haskell, Merridi
Hatsell, Judith
Haueisen, Barbara
Haueisen, Carl
Haueisen, Paul
Heidel, Jane
Herchenroether, Susan
Herrem, Richard
Herzfeld, Jack
Himmelberger, Steve
Holland, Stacy
Hollas, John
Huber, David
Huber, Diana
Jones, Barbara “Babs”
Kaminski, Stanley
Kelbley, Mark
Kelbley, Patty
Kelley, Tom
Jones, Babs
Lang, Daniel
Laudenschlager, Gabriele
Laycock, Dennis
Lehotan, Pat
Leneway, Carol
Letchford, Zach
Malone, Mary
Manne, Amy
McClain, Brian
Mcquire, Elaine
McGuire, Tom
Monachino, Reg
Mueller, Sue
Nelson, Kraig
Nemeth, Les
Northcutt, Jim
Nunnally, Tina
Oelman, Bill
Pallini, Lisa
Peters, Brennen
Peterson, Pete
Pierce, Patti
Quenzler, Mia
Rada, Audrey
Reimer, Kathy
Rime, Tom
Saco, Carlee
Schiano, Patty
Secor, Tom
Sinclair, Rocky
Smith, Judi
Smith, Tim
Snyder, Rita
Southern, Darlene
Stober, Judy
Terschan, Frank
Tomlinson, Dana
Tufts, Molly
Tulasi, Harini
Vareha, Linda
Williams, Jay
Ziker, Sarah
Zylwitis, Joseph